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Switching to Renewable Energy is an Urgent Priority in Batloun, Lebanon *


Mr. Marwan Kaiss has been the Mayor of Batloun, Lebanon, since 2016. Batloun is a small town in the Chouf district, which forms part of the Chouf Biosphere Reserve. With the cooperation of citizens and the continued support of the international community, Mayor Kaiss intends Batloun to be on track to help reach the Southern Mediterranean’s 2030 emission reduction targets. He gave an interview for DAI Global, the Consortium leader implementing the EU-funded Clima-Med project just before COP26 in Glasgow, UK 

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Global Observance of World Cities Day 2021 in Egypt


Participants in the first Global Observance of World Cities Day (WCD) “ Adaptation and Strengthening the Capabilities of Cities to Resist Climate Change ” , in the Middle East and North Africa region included the Egyptian Prime Minister, heads of UN agencies, governors, mayors, ministers, the EU delegation in Cairo and a wide range of associations and professionals.

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COP26: the joint side event at the EU Pavilion

COP26: How are cities in Europe and the Mediterranean implementing evidence-based climate & energy action? On November 9, 6.30pm-7.30pm CEST, at the EU Pavilion, ‘’Racing to 1.5°: cities implementing evidence-based…
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Fourth Clima-Med Steering Committee Meeting


After the 4th UfM Ministerial Conference on Environment and Climate action where ministers have agreed to join forces on working towards circular and efficient economies and before the world gathers for CoP 26, the fourth Steering Committee meeting of the Clima-Med project was held virtually on October 28, 2021.

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IPCC report blows the whistle

Global warming, extreme heatwaves, and forest fires: the IPCC report blows the whistle * Propelled by an intense heat wave, forest fires have dangerously reached the Mediterranean rim as their…
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