The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy


The 9,000+ cities and towns part of the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy are all working towards the same goals:

  • Accelerating decarbonization,
  • Increasing their resilience to climate change,
  • Alleviating energy poverty.

When joining, local governments commit to develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan aimed at achieving a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions, setting up measures to adapt to the climate change impacts and to ensure access to sustainable, secure and affordable energy to all of their citizens. They must report on their progress every two year after the adoption of their local action plan.

Signatories are supported in their endeavor by over 190 national and sub-national entities (Regions and Provinces, energy agencies, etc.), and 180 associations. The Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office provides the whole Covenant of Mayors Community with tailored information, tools and methods to deliver on their commitments.

The Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office is one of the regional offices of the Global Covenant of Mayors.

Joining as Signatories

Local authorities play a leading role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Participation in the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy supports them in this endeavor, by providing them the recognition, resources and networking opportunities necessary to take their energy and climate commitments to the next level.

Good Practices

The Covenant of Mayors Community shares useful tips in the Good Practices database where you will find achievements, case studies, city profiles, videos and more!

Financing Opportunities for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plans

The interactive funding guide gathers information on the funding initiatives managed by the European Union, the Member States and key financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank. Next to these, the guide includes information about support services and innovative financing schemes.

The Urban Adaptation Support Tool

Jointly developed by the Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office and the European Environment Agency, it is the main adaptation resource for the Covenant community needed to develop and implement an adaptation strategy through valuable guidance materials and tools. An updated version of the tool was released early 2019.
