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DAI has long had a presence in continental Europe. With the acquisition of the distinguished European development consultancy Human Dynamics in 2019, it has achieved the scale and technical breadth that enables it to offer richer services and better value to its customers in the EU. DAI is now the largest single provider of development services to the European Commission. The EU team is seamlessly integrated into DAI’s global organisation, tapping the full range of technical specialists and support staff from its United States, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, and other locations.

DAI has extensive experience working with the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), the EU’s External Action Service (EEAS), and European development financial institutions (EDFIs) such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). 


The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) was established in 1989 by the Ministry for Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion Affairs, as a non-profit, private legal entity. ICCS is the research host of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)). The aim of the Institute is to promote the Research and Development in all different research disciplines of SECE. ICCS is also a leading research organisation in clean energy, energy efficiency modelling, R&D in RE/EE. The organization has strong experience in research and development of climate change and energy efficiency projects. It has successfully collaborated in the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans under the EU-funded CES-MED project in the MENA region.


Danish Energy Management

(DEM) is an industry leader with an expanded expert base and more than 100 years of combined experience. It has deep roots in sustainability, and constantly strives to build a future where energy is applied efficiently and sustainably in an affordable way. Its history is green and working to make the future even greener.

DEM specialize in energy political projects, monitoring and evaluations (OECD-DAC standards), physical projects concerning city development plans, new constructions and energy renovations of preexisting constructions. The work of the organization with sustainability and energy efficiency is closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, where DEM’s projects ensure the access to affordable and sustainable energy, and sustainable cities, whilst contributing to combating climate changes and strengthening the global work towards sustainable development through partnerships.

The organization has been collaborating with the MENA region in the context of EU-Africa Partnership.


The 5th top environmental policy think tank in the Global Go To Think Tank Index 2017. E3G has extensive EU and worldwide experience in climate finance, designing green finance incentive schemes, development of low carbon technology and investment development zones, establishing national platforms for attracting and increasing green investments. The organization has supported the establishment of the world’s first Green Investment Bank in UK.
