Clima-Med’s Objectives

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Clima-Med’s overall objective is to assist with the transition of partner countries towards low carbon economies and enhanced climate resilience by means of:

  • Formulating and implementing climate mitigation and adaptation actions and sustainable energy policies, both at national and local level.
  • Enhancing partner countries’ capacity in implementing and updating their NDCs, developing adaptation and mitigation plans and carrying out MRVs.
  • Associating relevant government bodies, in collaboration with regional, national and subnational stakeholders.
  • Supporting the development of an ambitious number of local Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) through tailored technical assistance, trainings, workshops, peer-to-peer networks, stakeholder engagement, guidelines, awareness actions, research and more.
  • Connecting with relevant projects and programmes operating in the region and consulting with donors, bilateral EU programmes, including those being implemented directly at the regional, national and local level.
  • Creating synergies to enable stronger, systematic and collective exchanges with a wide range of initiatives, involving the ones under the EU External Investment Plan.