Acknowledging the challenges municipalities face in securing funding for their projects, the Clima-Med project has developed the “Climate Finance Guidebook” as a key deliverable. This comprehensive manual aims to guide municipalities in finding appropriate funding schemes for their Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) projects.

The Guidebook has been methodically crafted, taking into account existing national policies and regulations that shape climate finance in each beneficiary country. With this resource now publicly available, municipalities can access tailored recommendations for funding various actions based on real-world examples of projects of different types and scales implemented across the region and globally.

Furthermore, the core document of the Guidebook is complemented by country-specific annexes for each Clima-Med partner nation, providing a more detailed and customised approach to their unique situations, rules, and regulations.

The Climate Finance Guidebook targets Clima-Med countries in the southern Mediterranean region, tailoring its approach to their specific needs and realities. It serves as a complementary tool to support the funding of projects and actions included in the Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs),

Recognising that climate finance requires a multi-level governance perspective, the Guidebook offers recommendations at national and local levels, as well as for International Financial Institutions and donors, inviting those stakeholders to adapt their strategies to better align climate finance with on-the-ground needs.

These recommendations are designed to guide towards adopting optimal funding schemes for specific sectors of climate actions.

In addition to broad recommendations, the Guidebook features country-specific annexes with an overview of the related legal and institutional context across various sectors, including renewables, energy efficiency, water and wastewater management, and sustainable transport. This individualised approach stems from the understanding that successful climate finance depends on a combination of regulatory, institutional, and other enabling conditions.

Moreover, the Guidebook proposes practical recommendations for establishing national SEACAP Support Mechanisms (SSMs). These governance structures are designed to facilitate, coordinate and sustain the preparation, financing and implementation of SEACAPs.

You may view the Climate Finance Guidebook and the Annexes here
