Name of municipality: Hammam Sousse
Population: 42,691 inhabitants (2014)
Area: 20 km²
The municipality of Hammam Sousse is located in the central eastern part of Tunisia (Sahel region). It is a coastal city that belongs to the Governorate of Sousse and the Hammam Sousse delegation.
President: Mrs. Leila Golli
Contact: Mr. Mani Abderrazak :
Main features:
The city is located on a plateau made up of small, low hills (less than 150 meters) and vast plains. These hills are traversed by the Oued El Hammam River. It enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate with a dry summer.
Main economic activities:
Despite the climatic conditions not very favorable to agriculture, Hammam Sousse has long been known as an agricultural center. However, olive tree plantations have been losing ground in recent decades due to the galloping urbanization of the Sousse agglomeration.
Industrial activity holds second place after tourism and is gaining ground at the expense of agricultural activity, which is gradually losing its land.
The considerable development of tourism in Hammam Sousse, took place in the late 1970s with the creation in 1979 of the first seaside resort in Tunisia around the El Kantaoui Marina. The success of this resort since its opening has led to the creation of a linear tourist concept, turning its back on the hinterland.
Conditions and Environmental Challenges:
Historically, the city of Hammam Sousse has experienced several floods following heavy rains. Recently, as of September 14, 2020, significant amounts of rain have been recorded in various regions of the Governorate of Sousse and particularly in Hammam Sousse, causing traffic disruptions and the flooding of several houses, thereby requiring an intervention to fight against floods.
In addition, the decrease in freshwater resources due to its scarcity and the consequences of this scarcity make it an absolute necessity to avoid spillage. This is why the recovery and reuse of rainwater is of double interest for Hammam Sousse.
The municipality has adopted a few basic principles aimed at integrating a sustainable development component in all decisions relating to local development. The municipality is always considering the principles for taking energy aspects into consideration in future action programs so that these fit in with the new vision of local development and job creation and the revitalization of the territory.