First Steering Committee Meeting to discuss the “Nabeul Ville Verte” (NVV) Project

As part of the Nabeul Ville Verte (NVV) project, the Institute for University Co-operation (ICU) in Tunisia held the very first steering committee meeting with the Municipality of Nabeul and the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Nabeul (ISETN) as well as its partners in the project, on March 14, 2023.
The NVV project is co-financed by the European Union Climate for Cities (C4C) program.
Its main goal is to contribute to improving citizens’ quality of life by supporting the Municipality of Nabeul in implementing the actions of its Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plan (SEACAP) in an inclusive and participatory manner.
The Steering Committee was an opportunity to promote an integrated approach between the project partners and local stakeholders, particularly in waste management and energy efficiency.
It brought together representatives of the National Agency for Waste Management (ANGED), the Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG), the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME), the Municipality of Nabeul, the ISETN and the ICU.
