From November 20 -24, 2018, the Africities 8 Summit will be hosted in Marrakech, Morocco, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The event will gather over 5000 participants representing stakeholders from Africa as well as from other regions of the world; Africities is the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa’s flagship pan-African event, held every three years in one of the five regions of Africa.

Clima-Med Team Leader, Naguib Amin, member of the UCLG Africa Climate Task Force will participate in the GCOM sessions and will share lessons learnt from the completed CES-MED project and now Clima-Med initiative in North Africa region with Sub-Saharan cities representatives (affiliated to the COM SSA). Mr. Amin is a member of “UCLG Africa Climate Task Force.

The first session will focus on the role of national associations and lessons learnt from Clima-Med and CES-Med projects, on the importance of multi-level governance for the good implementation of Sustainable Energy and Adaptation Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) and the role association of local authorities can play in it. Organisers of this session are the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) and the Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ADEME)

During the second Session, key steps for preparation of SEACAPs – Sustainable energy Access and Climate Action Plans will be explored and shared with Sub-Saharan local authorities and the tools used by Northern African cities to help them draft their SEACAP.
