On 12 July, Baalbek Union of Municipalities – including nine municipalities in Lebanon – officially committed to the Covenant of Mayors for the Mediterranean, CoM Med, and became one of the 155 CoM Med signatories currently acting to tackle climate change, improve access to sustainable and affordable energy and grow to be climate-resilient.

During the gathering with the Clima-Med team at their headquarters in Baalbek, the President and the board members of the Union of Baalbeck municipalities reiterated their readiness and motivation to take their energy and climate commitments to the next level by developing their Sustainable and Energy Access and Climate Action Plans, SEACAP.

This was an excellent opportunity for Clima-Med to highlight the importance of committing to the CoM Med and benefiting from its recognition, resources, and networking opportunities. Knowing that Local authorities play a leading role in fighting climate change and ensuring the prosperity of their communities, Clima-Med is committed to bringing practical tools and assistance to the cities in developing their Action Plans and accelerating the implementation of projects included in these.

Find out more on the CoM Med initiative: https://www.com-med.org/en/

