Clima-Med finalised ten Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) for 32 climate-resilient cities in Lebanon.

On June 20, 2023, alongside the SEACAP Support Mechanism (SSM) workshop, Clima-Med commemorated the handover of the finalised Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans, SEACAPs of 32 Lebanese municipalities and Unions of municipalities to the cities’ mayors. These SEACAPs have been developed jointly with the Clima-Med project thanks to the relentless efforts of mayors and municipal technicians from the cities of Batloun, Moukhtara, Khreibi, Hasbaya, Bishmizzine, Donnieh (20 municipalities grouped in 4 clusters) and East Baalbeck Union of Municipalities (7 municipalities); moreover, they have been officially approved by their municipal councils.

Demonstrating the commitment of the local authorities, Lebanon’s SEACAPs feature tangible and impactful actions to tackle climate change challenges. They include a vision and several mitigation and adaptation actions covering sectors such as waste management, buildings, public lighting, agriculture and other land use, transport and mobility, sustainable use of irrigation technologies, wastewater treatment, access to energy and awareness-raising.

These Plans are timely as the country direly needs green, clean energy and climate actions. Lebanon has endured immense challenges over the last few years that have harmed every segment of society. The country has been facing a deep economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, the devastating Port of Beirut explosion, and multiple environmental disasters. Despite these challenges, the preparation of the SEACAPs is undeniably a reason for hope. Planned under the NDC up to 2030, these Plans address structural challenges. They can significantly contribute to Lebanon’s recovery, creating job opportunities and improving its socio-economic conditions.

All 32 municipalities have joined the Covenant of Mayors for the Mediterranean, CoM Med, which ensures that signatories enjoy high visibility at the regional and international levels through the CoM Med and GCoM websites, boosts financial opportunities for their climate and energy projects, and provides them with the opportunity to contribute to shaping their country’s climate and energy policy.

Clima-Med will continue to strengthen the support to its cities and provide them with all practical tools and assistance to accelerate the implementation of replicable projects in their SEACAPs, empower local authorities as awareness-raisers, and engage citizens against Climate Change to respond to urgent priority needs of the local population actively.

Through the Clima-Med project, the European Union is committed to supporting the transition of South Mediterranean countries to a sustainable, low carbon and climate-resilient economy by enhancing their energy security and strengthening their adaptative capacity to climate change impact.
