Dr. Naguib AMIN

Team Leader, Climate Change Specialist

Dr. Amin is a qualified architect, urban planner and trainer. He is an internationally recognized development professional with more than 30 years of experience, including over 15 years as Team Leader of international programmes and projects funded by key development actors and the European Union. His experience covers all ENPI South region countries, where he developed an in-depth knowledge of conditions and needs, and closely collaborated with national and local authorities in multiple planning sectors, with emphasis on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy, Land Use and Urban Management; in addition to related Institutional capacity building and local and municipal development.

Prior to leading Clima-Med, and for more than 5 years, Naguib Amin acted as the Team Leader of the EU funded CES-MED project, through which he has led major capacity building actions, developing Climate Change and Sustainable Energy policies, strategies, planning and governance frameworks, including National Action Recommendations Reports for 8 countries and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for more than 50 cities.

He is fluent in Arabic, English and French.
