Consolidation of the National Coordination Group of the Clima-Med project in Morocco

On January 24, 2023, the Clima-Med project brought together members of the project’s National Coordination Group (NCG) in Morocco for a first one-day workshop at the Department of Sustainable Development housed in the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development (MTEDD) in Rabat.
As part of the component on strengthening governance and integrating climate action in coordination with the national authorities, Clima-Med has rallied representatives of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development (MTEDD), the Ministry of the Interior, as well as delegates from the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE), the Moroccan Alliance of Local Authorities for Climate, the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN), and the Institute for Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN).

The purpose of the event was to come to an agreement on the role of the NCG and endorse it, but also to discuss the recommendations proposed in the country’s Climate Action Strategy (CAS), and to exchange on proposals to set up the SECAP’s National Support Mechanism.

The meeting made it possible for the members of the group to adopt the NCG’s concept of sustainability for climate and to discuss with the Clima-Med project team on the feasibility and relevance of institutionalizing the NCG and the National Support Mechanism.

Following these successful results, a concept note will be developed by the project team with input from the Department of Sustainable Development and other members of the NCG to develop the next steps in more detail.
