Ten CoM Med cities in Jordan finalised their SEACAPs and are on their way to becoming climate resilient.
Jordan is a country facing multiple climate threats, such as heat inversion, water scarcity, droughts, and pollution, affecting the livelihood of populations regarding health, food security, and the cities’ local economic development. According to the IPCC report in 2021, it is among the world’s most vulnerable places to drought due to the impacts of climate change.
In this context, the country took responsibility for fighting climate change, thus ratifying the Paris Agreement and starting to work effectively toward reaching its NDCs.
On the local level, ten cities which are all signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for the Mediterranean (CoM Med), have designed and finalised their Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) with the support of the EU-funded Clima-Med project. Al Salt, Al Muwaqar, Al Russeifa, Al Zarka, Al Serhan, Al Mafraq, Balaama, Umm El Jimal, Maadaba, and Deir Allah municipalities are setting ambitious efforts and fundamental measures to tackle climate change, promote sustainable environmental protection and improve their communities’ quality of life.
“Local Authorities’ roles are transformed from traditional service providers to sustainable development leaders”, said Mr Omar Abu Eid, Energy, Environment & Climate Change Programme Manager at the EU Delegation.
With the full participation of the municipalities’ leadership, their technical teams, and in collaboration with the National Coordination Group led by the Ministry of Environment and the Clima-Med National Focal Point, Jordanian cities are leading by example; they have proved their willingness and dedication to reduce their emissions and build sustainable model cities.
“The Ministry of Local Administration played a major role in working on these projects that start from a local dimension and move to the national dimension. As everyone knows, the municipalities are the epicentre of local actions” (Hamza Aish Aref Al-Mherat, Ministry of Local Administration).
Jordanian cities are ready and have been implementing several projects identified in the SEACAPs; however, more funding is needed to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation projects on the territory.
Clima-Med will continue to strengthen the support to its cities and provide them with all practical tools and assistance to accelerate the implementation of replicable projects in their SEACAPs, empower local authorities as awareness-raisers, and engage citizens against Climate Change to respond to urgent priority needs of the local population actively.
Through the Clima-Med project, the European Union is committed to supporting the transition of South Mediterranean countries to a sustainable, low-carbon, and climate-resilient economy by enhancing their energy security and strengthening their adaptative capacity to the impact of climate change.
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