
Countries: Africa (Morocco and Tunisia), Asia, Easter Europe Latin America Caribbean
Partnership is a global and inclusive network of cities and countries as well as an umbrella brand of European development cooperation particularly related to the field of sustainable urban transport.  MRV approach: Provide the national and local governments with an overview of the implementation of the MRV approach in Morocco today.

Implementing partners : Expertise France Morocco: Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial, French Government ADEME, AFD, CEREMA, CODATU
Local Partners : Morocco: DGCL Tunisie: Ministry of transport, ANME

C40 Cities

Countries: International Network (Amman and Cairo)
C40 is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change.

Implementing partners: Funders and partners: Clinton Fundation, Citi, OAK Foundation, UK governement, WB…


Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia
The Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators promotes a transparent, stable and compatible regulatory framework in the Mediterranean Region fostering market integration and infrastructure investments, as well as consumer protection and enhanced energy cooperation.

Implementing partners: UfM, Med-TSO, RES4Med, ECRB, International Energy Charter, OME, ECRB,


Countries: Mediterranean Region
The network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC) is based on an open and independent international scientific expert network acting as a mechanism of on-going support for decision-makers and the general public on the basis of available scientific information and on-going research. MedECC includes more than 400 scientists from 35 countries. Membership is based on contact with the organizers and open to all scientific experts working on climate and environmental change from the natural sciences, social sciences and/or a humanities perspective. MedECC covers all major geographical sub-regions of the Mediterranean area.


Energy Cities

Countries: Mena region
Energy Cities is the European Association of local authorities in energy transition
From 2017 to 2020, Energy Cities is under the Presidency of the City of Heidelberg (DE) with a Board of Directors of 11 European cities.
The association created in 1990 represents now more than 1,000 towns and cities in 30 countries.



By adhering to the principles of the said Montreal call for an alliance of cities for sustainable urban mobility, the signatories commit to increase their efforts to tackle climate change through a proactive urban mobility policy.
Developing cooperation and partnerships between cities, especially between the cities said of the North and cities of the South as proposed by Codatu seems essential. Without pretending that there are models, taking advantage for a city in the South that initiates an urban mobility strategy from the experience of other cities, can make the difference to avoid mistakes and to promote and implement sustainable urban development, to promote growth and quality of life.
By signing this Statement, the cities commit themselves to establish at least one partnership in this framework and to allocate the necessary resources for this purpose, human and/or financial, which can clearly be counted as local authority expenditures to fight against climate change.


Initiatives Climat

Countries: Afrique Francophone (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc)
« INITIATIVES CLIMAT » valorise les projets de lutte contre les changements climatiques. Recueil d’initiatives, Trophées, Reportages, Evénements publics sont les différents volets d’une contribution des pays africains aux conférences internationales sur le climat à travers le projet auquel chacun peut contribuer.

Implementing partners: ALLIADEV, IGAPURA
Local partners: DINIKA, IFDD, UCGLA, PNUD Maroc, Coopération Canadienne, GEF/SGP, ONU Femme, Ministère délégué chargé de l’environnement et coopération suisse.


Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia
The mission of MEDREC is to develop regional competencies through the transfer of technologies, training of experts, and the dissemination of information in the field of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency. In particular, MEDREC activities are addressed to implement research and   projects   activities   related   to   financing   sources, capacity building with the development of regional competencies in the field of Renewable   Energies and Energy Efficiency, dissemination of information, development of pilot projects, transfer of technology in the field of Renewable Energies and implementation of Energy Efficiency of Renewable Energies systems.

Implementing partners: UNDP, RES4MED, GBEP, GNESD, REEEP
Local partners: ANME, OME, Ministère Algérien du développement et de l’environnement


Countries: Southern Mediterranean countries and Africa
RES4Med is part of the association Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean and Africa. RES4Med was initiated in 2012 as a leading platform for public-private dialogue in light of the renewable energy potential and growing energy demand of Southern-Mediterranean countries. Since its inception, RES4Med promotes renewable energy in Southern-Mediterranean countries as a cost-effective, sustainable, and reliable energy strategy to meet growing energy demand. Contrary to the mainstream paradigm at the time, RES4Med applies an “upside-down approach” that highlights renewable energy solutions to meet local energy needs by encouraging a direct dialogue among private and public actors of both Mediterranean shores.

Implementing partners: UfM, OME, International energy agency, The Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre…
Local partners: Moroccan partners: SIR, IRESEN,ONEE Tunisia: STEG Energies renouvelables


Countries: All MENA countries
Carboun is an advocacy initiative promoting sustainable cities in the Middle East and North Africa region. Carboun focuses on the built environment and urban systems of regional cities, and advocates a sustainable approach for their development that balances economic development and a reduced impact on resources, and the environment. It also advocates leveraging urban resilience as a tool for long term urban sustainability.
Carboun’s geographical scope focuses on the economic, environmental, and developmental conditions predominant in the countries of the wider Middle East and North Africa, including the Arab World, Iran and Turkey.
Carboun’s website provides an online journal for sharing information relating to urban sustainability in the cities of the Middle East and North Africa region covering a range of urban systems and components including energy use, water use, sustainable design and urbanism, transportation, carbon emissions, climate change resilience, material resources, waste, and urban environment.
The Carboun initiative is engaged in a number of regional projects relating to sustainability in cities. The initiative’s current projects cover energy use in buildings, carbon emissions, and impact of climate change on the region. Carboun is also engaged  in a number of national-level projects.


Switch Med

Countries: Mediterranean Region
Switch Med is an initiative that supports and connects stakeholders to scale-up social and eco innovations in the Mediterranean.
It provides all Mediterranean stakeholders, with tools and connections to supporting partners for your social and eco innovations, to achieve productive, circular and sharing economies in the Mediterranean
Vision: Moving towards a prosperous Mediterranean.

Implementing partners: UNIDO, UN Environment-MAP/SCP-RAC, and the UN Environment Economy Division, in close coordination with DG NEAR
Local partners: Local partners by country:

SWIM and Horizon 2020 SM

Status: 2016-2019
Countries: North Africa and the Middle East (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, [Syria] and Tunisia)
The SWIM-H2020 SM Project (Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism 2016-2019) funded by the European Union aims to contribute to reduced marine pollution and a sustainable use of scarce water resources in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East . The Project is the continuation and merging of two successful previous EU-funded service contracts, Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) (2009-2014) and the Sustainable Water Integrated Management Support Mechanism (SWIM SM) (2010-2015).
Implementing partners: LDK Consultants Engineers and Planners S.A. Greece (the lead company), Catalan Waste Agency (hosting institution of Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC)). Spain, EEIG UT-SEMIDE. France, GLOBE ONE Ltd. Greece, Haskoning DHV Nederland B.V. Netherlands, LDK Consultants Europe S.A. Belgium, Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE). Greece, Milieu Ltd. Belgium, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece, Umweltbundesamt GmBH. Austria, WS Atkins International Ltd. United Kingdom
Local partners: Arab Countries Utilities Association (ACWUA). Jordan
Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED). Egypt

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung FES

Countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia
FES Regional Climate and Energy Project aims at: Advocating for an energy transition into renewable energy, challenging the fossil fuel driven economies of many of the MENA countries and encourage the exploration of the enormous economic potential of solar and wind energy, searching solutions for a just transition in the energy sector, training partners, civil society organisations, in climate diplomacy and bring them together with governments, support research and policy advising in the energy and climate change sector and work on local solutions for adaptation and energy efficiency on the ground.

Implementing partners: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Cities Alliance

Countries: Tunisia
The Cities Alliance is a global partnership formed jointly by the World Bank and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements to distribute grants, share information between local governments, and make policy recommendations to tackle urban poverty in developing countries. CIties Alliance MENA operates in Tunisia since 2018.



Countries: Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Egypt
United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA) is one of nine regional sections of United Cities and Local Governments, with headquarters in Istanbul.


4C Maroc

Countries: Morocco
4C (Centre of Competence on Climate Change in Morocco) is currently carrying out a capacity building project on climate finance research and a screen on regional development plans in order to identify bankable climate projects in 5 Moroccan regions, namely: Beni Mellal-Khenifra, Casablanca-Settat, Marrakech-Safi, Draa-Tafilalet and Souss-Massa.
As 4C has developed a roadmap for the development of Nationally Determined Contributions NDC in Morocco, it will organise a national conference to launch the roadmap after validation by the Ministry of the Environment. Any entity wishing to work on NDCs in Morocco should be added to this roadmap.



MENA Region
The Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa (REMENA) is based in Rabat and implements cross-national projects with reference to the whole MENA-Region. Its objective is to sustainably strengthen the development and to support the stability of the MENA region in terms of climate change and its consequences. This implies as well to promote cooperation and partnership with the European Union

Local partners: Cairo University, UNIKASSEL VERSITAS, DAAD, Fderal Ministry of Economic cooperation and developement

Projects Implemented by GIZ

CoMun – municipal cooperation

Countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria
The “CoMun” program, an initiative launched by GIZ for the benefit of Central Maghreb States to support the technical and institutional capacities for free municipal administration and citizen-friendly urban management, while encouraging networking between Maghreb communes as well as decentralized cooperation with German cities favoring the transfer of knowledge to make the transition to a greater autonomy of the local administration.



Countries: Morocco
L’objectif du projet EDMITA est l’augmentation des capacités des provinces de Midelt et de Tata à utiliser de manière durable le potentiel de développement des ER/EE. Cinq champs d’action sont prévus pour la réalisation de l’objectif : stratégie, sensibilisation, formation, projets de démonstrations et évaluation.

Implementing Partners: SID (Sustainable Innovation Developement)  GiZ
Local Partners: Ministry of Energy, Mines and sustainable development (MEMDD)

The German-Moroccan Energy Partnership PAREMA

Countries: Morocco
Germany and Morocco are leading the energy transition on their continents and work together to move forwards with a global sustainable energy transition by 2050. Morocco has a huge renewable energy potential, particularly in solar and wind. Due to geographic proximity and interconnections, market integration could enable a mutual beneficial exchange of sustainable energy supply in the long term.

Local Partners: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs  Energy (BMWi)
Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development (MEMDD)


Status: 07/2018 till 06/2020
Countries: Jordan
The project aims at enhancing Jordan’s capacities for implementing, revising and tracking their NDC. Technical capacities of the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) and other partners will be strengthened. In order to track the progress of NDC implementation, the project supports the preparation of a national transparency system. By enhancing existing information sources (sector studies) and improving data management, the project provides important preconditions for the revision and implementation of the NDC. The project further supports the mainstreaming of the NDC in national planning processes, in particular on a subnational level. Local and regional stakeholders will be better integrated in the national NDC process through the development of climate action plans and the implementation of a pilot activity at the local level. With the intended vertical NDC integration and the implementation of a pilot project, a prerequisite for replicability of local NDC implementation is provided.

Implementing Partners: International Climate Initiative (IKI), GiZ
Local Partners: Ministry of Environment – Jordan
Royal Scientific Society (RSS) – Jordan


Status: 2014-2021
Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Morocco and Tunisia
Policy dialogue and knowledge management on low emission development strategies in the MENA region.                                                            In order to improve cooperation in the MENA region, the project supports the regional and supra-regional dissemination of climate and energy policies. Project activities aim at assisting political decision-makers and relevant institutions with the systematic elaboration and implementation of integrated low emission and adaptation strategies. The project contributes to the planning of ambitious mitigation and adaptation actions of partner countries and to the integration
into their respective NDC targets. Thus, the project facilitates long-term transformation to a low emission and resilient economy



All Arab Countries
The Arab Renewable Energy Framework (AREF) provides guidance to member states with developing their short to medium term National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) according to a template prepared for this purpose.
AREF works as the foundation for both national and regional activities of renewable energy. AREF and NREAP template work as a regional framework for countries to develop their NREAPs, which in turn is the baseline for annual progress reports.
RCREEE developed the NREAP template and is also responsible for monitoring NREAPs progress and template adoption, as well as for disseminating periodic reports to LAS. RCREEE helps Arab states in the adoption process by conducting regional and local workshops and providing technical assistance. The template is approved by the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity (AMCE) and circulated among Arab states for adoption,

Implementing Partners: RCREEE and German Development Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH
Local Partners: The League of Arab States (LAS)

Projects Implemented by EBRD

The SEMed Private Renewable Energy Framework “SPREF”

Countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia
SPREF aims to break down barriers preventing the development of private renewable energy markets in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan. The framework provides efficient financing mechanisms and targeted technical cooperation support for the implementation of renewable energy projects in the region. SPREF will support countries to meet renewable energy targets and avoid CO2 emissions. The project will benefit the following actors in the four southern and eastern Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia): Private international and local energy companies; Offtakers; and Policymakers.


Green Cities Framework

Countries: Global
EBRD Green Cities is a €950 million facility that offers a comprehensive business model for green urban development, combining strategic planning with investment and associated technical assistance.  The Framework was established to provide
a systematic approach to planning and identifying the investment needs of cities in the EBRD regions to address their most pressing environmental and climate change challenges.


EMED SEFF – Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Sustainable Energy Financing Facility

Countries: Morocco (Jordan – suspended)
EMED SEFF Phase I is a joint action between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) to extend credit lines to participating financial institutions in Morocco and Jordan to finance energy efficiency and small renewable energy investments in industry, SMEs, agribusiness, commercial services and the residential sector.

Implementing partners: EBRD (co-financing organisations are Agence Française de Développement (AFD), European Investment Bank (EIB), KfW Entwicklungsbank (KfW)

Projects Implemented by the World Bank

Municipal Support Program

20/12/2017 – 30/09/2022

Countries: Morocco – Casablanca
The Program Development Objective (PDO) is to increase the investment capacity of the Municipality of Casablanca, improve the business
environment in the Municipality of Casablanca, and enhance access to basic services in the Program Area.
Implementing Partners: World Bank, Municipality of Casablanca; Unite de Gestion du Programme (UGP);


Clean and Efficient Energy Project

24.04.2015 -30.11.2020

Countries: Morocco
The development objective of the Clean and Efficient Energy Project for Morocco is to improve the capacity of office national de l’electricite et de l’eau potable (national electricity and water utility company) (ONEE) to supply and dispatch clean electricity and to meet the demand of targeted customers more efficiently in the project area. The project comprises of four components.

Implementing Partners: World Bank
Local Partners: Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau potable (ONEE)

Noor Solar Power Project Additional Financing

Countries: Morocco
The objective of the Additional Financing for the Noor Solar Power Project for Morocco is to increase: (a) installed capacity (megawatt) and (b) electricity output (megawatt‐hour), especially during peak hours, of the Noor‐Ouarzazate Solar Complex. The IBRD and CTF Additional Financing (AF) will support further innovative solar power generation in Morocco, beyond the operating Noor‐Ouarzazate I plant and the Noor‐Ouarzazate II and III plants under construction, by expanding the scope of the original project to support development of Morocco’s ‘

Implementing Partners: World Bank, MASEN


Countries: All MENA countries
The World Bank, with support from the Climate Investment Funds, in late 2016 launched a Knowledge and Innovation Program to help lay the groundwork for new CSP (Concentration Solar Power) investment projects in the Middle East and North Africa.
This three-year Program is designed primarily as a resource to address knowledge and awareness gaps, to link projects with sources of finance and technical advice, and to promote innovation to enable CSP investments in MENA to move forward faster, and in more countries.

Implementing Partners: World Bank and Climate Investment Funds

Projects Implemented by EIB


Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia
CAMENA is a climate action envelope within the Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Trust Fund (FEMIP Trust Fund), managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB). Its purpose is to help Mediterranean Partner Countries to fight climate change by providing grants targeted at specific climate initiatives, such as:
• Identifying, catalysing and preparing climate action investment projects that could subsequently benefit from EIB financing
• Funding actions to improve the enabling environment in relation to climate investments among public and private institutions.

