
U. S Agency for International Development (USAID)

The world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID provides money in aid to support development in countries around the world.

Contact : usaidbeirut@state.gov

Website: https://www.usaid.gov/lebanon

Agence française pour le développement (AFD)

Le groupe Agence française de développement (AFD) finance, accompagne et accélère les transitions vers un monde plus juste et durable. Climat, biodiversité, paix, éducation, urbanisme, santé, gouvernance… : nos équipes sont engagées dans plus de 4000 projets dans les Outre-mer et 115 pays. Il contribue ainsi à l’engagement de la France et des Français en faveur des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD).

Contact: afdbeyrouth@afd.fr

Website: http://www.afd.fr/home/pays/mediterranee-et-moyen-orient/geo/liban

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

GIZ works in thematically diverse projects and programmes in widely different countries throughout the world. Its goal is to develop sustainable and effective tailor-made solutions to challenging problems for the clients.

Contact: info-lebanon@giz.de

Website: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/370.html

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is the agency for international cooperation of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). The SDC is responsible for the overall coordination with other federal authorities of development and cooperation with Eastern Europe as well as for humanitarian aid delivered by the Swiss Confederation.

Contact: mena@eda.admin.ch

Website: https://www.eda.admin.ch/deza/en/home/sdc/portrait.html

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

The Middle East and North Africa is brimming with potential. But long-standing problems like power shortages, youth unemployment, and a lack of access to finance have conspired to hold back economic growth in this region of 350 million.

IFC is helping change that by supporting the region’s private sector, a potentially bountiful source of jobs and innovation.

Contact: tjacobs@ifc.org

Website: https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/corp_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/home

Citigroup Foundation (Citi)

Citibank N.A Lebanon has evolved into an active corporate citizen with a particular interest in supporting financial education, inclusive finance and capacity building through various grants provided annually through the Citi Foundation.

Citibank operates as a branch of Citibank N.A. and is regulated by the Central Bank of Lebanon. Citibank N.A Lebanon has one main branch located in Beirut’s Central District and has a total staff of 35 people.

Contact: jenny.rahebkhello@citi.com

Website: https://www.citigroup.com/citi/about/countries-and-jurisdictions/lebanon.html

The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP)

The programme provides grants of up to $50,000 directly to local communities including indigenous people, community-based organizations and other non-governmental groups for projects in Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Land Degradation and Sustainable Forest Management, International Waters and Chemicals.

Contact: adnanm@unops.org

Website: https://sgp.undp.org/

Heinrich Böll Foundation

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a catalyst for green visions and projects, a think tank for policy reform, and an international network.

Contact: info(a)lb.boell.org

Website: https://www.boell.de/en

United Nations Developement Programme (UNDP)

UNDP advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It provides expert advice, training, and grants support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries.

Contact: registry.lb@undp.org

Website: https://www.lb.undp.org/content/lebanon/en/home.html

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

Contact: silja.halle@unep.org   &  muralee.thummarukudy@unep.org

Website: http://www.unep.org

United Nations Educationa, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

It’s declared purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter. It is the heir of the League of Nations’ International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.

Contact: m.saadou@unesco.org  &  j.merhi@unesco.org  &  h.alhammami@unesco.org

Website: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/beirut/

United Nations Industrial Organization (UNIDO)

It is a specialized agency in the United Nations system, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. The Organization’s primary objective is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and the promotion of international industrial cooperation.

Contact: office.lebanon@unido.org

Website: http://www.unido.org/who-we-are/unido-in-brief.html

Act today I Invest in tomorrow (ACTED)

ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas. ACTED develops and implements programs that target the most vulnerable amongst populations that have suffered from conflict, natural disaster, or socio-economic hardship. ACTED’s approach looks beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihoods reconstruction and sustainable development.


Contact: paris@acted.org

Website: http://www.acted.org/en/contact-us


IECD has one ambition: to create environments conducive to the development of each person. They want to create the necessary conditions to allow those willing to do so to act on a social, professional and institutional level. By acquiring the necessary know-how, they will be able to transform their existence and to become responsible actors in their country. IECD believes that in this manner, they will have a positive impact on society and contribute to it becoming more equitable.

Contact: julien.feghali@iecd.org

Website: https://www.iecd.org/en/zones-dintervention/middle-east-north-africa/lebanon/


For nearly 50 years, Greenpeace has been sailing the world’s oceans protecting our planet and fighting for environmental justice. From obstructing nuclear tests in the Pacific, to documenting plastics in our oceans; from conducting research into the effects of climate change in the Arctic, to stopping shiploads of illegal timber leaving the Amazon; from bringing humanitarian relief to communities devastated by extreme weather to collaborating with local authorities to arrest illegal fishing operations in West Africa – our ships are fundamental to Greenpeace campaigns.

Contact: info.arabic@greenpeace.org

Website: https://www.greenpeace.org/mena/en/contact-us/

Kuwait Fund

The object of the Fund is to assist Arab and other developing countries in developing their economies.

Types of Activities

  • Making loans and providing guarantees,
  • Making Grants by way of technical assistance and providing other types of technical assistance,
  • Contributing to capital stocks of international and regional development finance institutions and other development institutions and representing the State of Kuwait in such institutions.

The Fund’s operations are focused primarily on the sectors of agriculture and irrigation, transport and communications, energy, industry, water and sewage

Contact: info@kuwait-fund.org

Website: https://www.kuwait-fund.org/en/web/kfund/address-map-mail

Adaptation Fund

The Adaptation Fund finances projects and programmes that help vulnerable communities in developing countries adapt to climate change. Initiatives are based on country needs, views and priorities.

Contact: mpueschel@adaptation-fund.org

Website: https://www.adaptation-fund.org/cop22/


The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (the Arab Fund), based in the State of Kuwait, is an Arab regional financial institution focused on funding economic and social development by financing public and private investment projects and providing grants and expertise. The Arab Fund’s activities are characterized by a number of important aspects that make it a model of cooperation and Arab economic integration, and a reflection of outstanding joint Arab action.


Website: http://www.arabfund.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1&mid=20

Austrian Development Cooperation

Finance from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is available in the following cases:

Contact: wirtschaft@ada.gv.at

Website: http://www.entwicklung.at/en/ada/funding/

Austria NAMA Initiative

The Austrian NAMA Initiative aims to identify NAMAs to be supported in selected countries for preparation and implementation. These NAMAs will contribute to (i) decrease greenhouse gas emissions, (ii) foster sustainable development and (iii) build capacity in the host countries.

Contact: nama@kommunalkredit.at

Website: https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/publicnama/SitePages/Home.aspx

Belgian Development Agency

BTC is the Belgian development agency. For the account of the Belgian state and other commissioners they support and provide guidance to development programs. We work together with our partners by making available expertise, personnel and financial resources.

Contact: info@btcctb.org

Website: https://www.btcctb.org/en/btcs-profile-mission-vision-values

Belgian Investment Company for Developing countries

The mission of the Belgian Investment Company for Developing countries (BIO) is to support a strong private sector in developing and/or emerging countries, to enable them to gain access to growth and sustainable development within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Contact: info@bio-invest.be

Website: http://www.bio-invest.be/en/how-to-apply.html

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network supports decision-makers in designing and delivering climate compatible development. They do this by combining research, advisory services and knowledge management in support of locally owned and managed policy processes. They work in partnership with decision-makers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors nationally, regionally and globally. They hold strongly to the ideals of human development and environmental sustainability.

Contact: cdknetwork.enquiries@uk.pwc.com

Website: https://cdkn.org/about/alliance-members/?loclang=en_gb

Climate Finance Innovation Facility

Contact: m.stojiljkovic@fs.de

Website: http://cdkn.org/about/?loclang=en_gb

Development Bank of Austria

OeEB – Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (Development Bank of Austria) – finances investments of private companies in developing countries and emerging markets. They provide loans at near-market conditions, provide capital and increase the developmental effectiveness of our projects with related programs.

Contact: office@oe-eb.at


Advised by the European Investment Bank Group, GEEREF is an innovative Fund-of-Funds catalysing private sector capital into clean energy projects in developing countries and economies in transition.

Contact: info@geeref.com

Website: https://geeref.com/

Global Methane Initiative

GMI is an international public-private initiative that advances cost effective, near-term methane abatement and recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source in four sectors: agriculture, coal mines, municipal solid waste, oil and gas systems, and wastewater. These projects reduce GHG emissions in the near term and provide a number of important environmental and economic co-benefits such as:
Stimulating local economic growth
Creating new sources of affordable alternative energy
Improving local air and water quality, with associated public health benefits
Increasing industrial worker safety.

Contact: asg@globalmethane.org

Website: https://www.globalmethane.org/about/index.aspx


Since 2008, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has been financing climate and biodiversity projects in developing and newly industrialising countries, as well as in countries in transition. In the early years of the program, its financial resources came from the proceeds of auctioning allowances under the emissions trading scheme. To ensure financial continuity, further funds were made available through the Special Energy and Climate Fund. Both funding mechanisms are now part of the Federal Environment Ministry’s regular budget.

Contact: Programmbuero@programmbuero-klima.de

Website: https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/en/about-the-iki/iki-funding-instrument/

MDG Carbon Facilitty

MDG Carbon is an innovative program to harness the resources of the carbon market in order to bring long-term sustainable development, at scale, to wide range of developing countries. Since its launch in 2007, MDG Carbon has assisted developing countries in implementing a host of low-carbon interventions, spanning multiple technologies, active in all regions of the world, and leveraging significant sums in private-sector co-investments.

Contact: mdgcarbon@undp.org

Website: https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home.html


Supporting Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is at the heart of MedPAN’s mission.

To this end, the network has set up a small projects scheme that aims to help MPAs provide a sustainable protection of biodiversity, while ensuring the sustainable economic development of human based activities.

Contact: medpan@medpan.org

Website: http://medpan.org/

MIF Proparco

Proparco 1,  the private sector financing arm of Agence Française de Développement (AFD), has been working to support development in Southern countries for some 40 years. It plays a key role in AFD Group and the French cooperation mechanism: financing and support for projects led by companies and financial institutions in developing and emerging countries – from SMEs to regional banking groups, including microfinance institutions.

Contact: proparco@proparco.fr

Website: http://www.proparco.fr/lang/en/Accueil_PROPARCO/PROPARCO

NAMA Facility

As announced during the climate negotiations 2012 in Doha, Qatar, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom (UK) jointly established the NAMA Facility. In 2013 they contributed jointly an initial €70 million of funding to support developing countries and emerging economies that show leadership on tackling climate change and that want to implement ambitious climate protection measures (NAMAs). BMUB and BEIS jointly contributed an additional €50 million, to fund a 2nd bidding round for NAMA Support Projects 2014. The Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate (EFKM) and the European Commission joined the NAMA Facility as new Donors in 2015.

Contact: contact@nama-facility.org

Website: http://www.nama-facility.org/about-us.htm

NEFCO Carbon Fund

NEFCO channels grants with favourable terms for projects that have a positive impact on the environment.
The Arctic Council Project Support Instrument (PSI) is a financial initiative focusing on projects approved by the Arctic Council to prevent and reduce pollution of the Arctic. It uses a broad range of funding arrangements to include grants and revolving instruments such as leveraging loans (see Loans and equity section).

Contact: tina.nyberg@nefco.fi

Website: http://www.nefco.org/work-us/our-services/grants


Norad grants funding to organisations within civil society, research, higher education and industry that work with partners in poor countries.
Most of the Norwegian development aid is managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norwegian embassies abroad.

Contact: postmottak@norad.no

Website: https://www.norad.no/en/front/about-norad/five-main-tasks/


OFID’s grant program includes technical assistance for small-scale social schemes, sponsorship for research and other intellectual pursuits, and emergency relief aid. Aligning its scope with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG3, “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, OFID’s grant program prioritizes initiatives that address food security, energy poverty and water-related challenges

Contact: info@ofid.org

Website: https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/716.htm


PPIAF is a multi-donor technical assistance facility that is financed by 15 multilateral and bilateral donors. Their primary objective is to help our clients build and strengthen institutions, develop capacity, and increase creditworthiness. Created in 1999 as a joint initiative of the governments of Japan and the United Kingdom, working closely with and housed inside the World Bank, PPIAF is a catalyst for increasing private sector participation in emerging markets.
Their clients include national governments, PPP units, regulators, and sub-national entities, including municipalities and utilities, and we work in collaboration with the World Bank Country Units to deliver our assistance. PPIAF’s is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and maintains field offices in Nairobi and Dakar.

Contact: ppiaf@ppiaf.org

Website: https://ppiaf.org/about-us


Roughly divided, there are two types of aid: humanitarian aid and long-term development cooperation. In turn, the long-term development cooperation is pursued in two forms, bilaterally and multilaterally. A few countries receive budget support, i.e. support paid directly into the partner country ‘s national budget.

Contact: sida@sida.se

Website: http://www.sida.se/English/how-we-work/about-swedish-development-cooperation/


The International Climate Fund (ICF) is the UK government’s commitment to developing countries to help them address the challenges presented by climate change and benefit from the opportunities.

Contact: enquiry@dfid.gov.uk

Website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/international-climate-finance#our-mission

Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is a global team of humanitarians, working together on the front lines of today’s biggest crises to create a future of possibility, where everyone can prosper.

Its mission: to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities.

Website: https://www.mercycorps.org/where-we-work/lebanon

Drosos Foundation

DROSOS FOUNDATION sees itself as an organisation characterised by a willingness to learn, social entrepreneurship and a business-like philanthropy. It derives its effectiveness from the technical and project management skills of its employees. The Foundation is built on the values of peaceful cooperation and human dignity and expects its partner organisations, their sub-partners and their employees to refrain from any actions or public statements that contradict these values.

Contact: info@drosos.org

Website: https://drosos.org/en/

World Vision

World Vision started operating in Lebanon in 1975 with the onset of the civil war. Today we continue to assist Lebanese families and refugee communities through development projects, emergency relief, and advocacy.

While more than a quarter of the Lebanese population lives below the poverty line, marginalisation and vulnerability are even more widespread. Children and youth are dropping out of school to join the labour force and contribute to their family income. Lack of job opportunities and choices make children in Lebanon more vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.

Contact: info@worldvision.org

Website: https://www.wvi.org/Lebanon

African European Co-Operation (AEC Foundation)

The AFRICAN EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION GERMANY e. V. engages itself in European, such as German and African-Nations-Co-Operations Promotions and Exchanges in various Faculties: in Humanitarian Developments, in Culture, in Education, in Health and Medical affairs, in social Affairs, in economic Affairs, in Sports Affairs, in political and democratic Affairs, in Natural Science and Researches, in Science and Technological developments, in developments, in such that, the Wellbeing and Interests of the Citizens such as the Preservation of the basic Standards of Living and Tolerance becomes highly promoted, whereby the democratic demands and Co-Operations between African Nations and European Nations such as Germany serves as Solutions to the economic and public affairs of the Citizens.

Contact: http://www.aec-foundation.org/en/contact

Website: http://www.aec-foundation.org/en/

Concern Worldwide

It is working hard to alleviate suffering for both refugees and over-stretched host communities in Lebanon through shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene awareness, livelihoods, education, and protection activities. Every program includes the crosscutting themes of protection, equality, and inclusion.

Contact: info@concern.net

Website: https://www.concern.net/where-we-work/lebanon

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.

Website: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/how-get-funding


U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

USAID provides capacity building for the government and energy utilities to design, implement, monitor and evaluate RE & EE programs through:

  • Establishing a thriving energy services industry in Jordan through:

– Building professional credentials of engineers

– Institutional development of Energy Service Providers (ESPs) through one-on one training programs customized for each company.

Contact: rsabella@usaid.gov

Website: https://www.usaid.gov/site-search/jordan

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Project: Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Water Sector 

The objective of the project is to improve the conditions for increased use of renewable energies in the water sector.

Contact: louy.qoaider@giz.de

Website: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/360.html

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Project: Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

Installing RE/EE measures

Contact: Charlotte.vanderSchaaf@kfw.de

Website: https://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/International-financing/KfW-Entwicklungsbank/

Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Project: Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Project

Implemented by Cowater Sogema SEED is a four and a half-year, CAD 21.8 million project (2016-2020) funded by Global Affairs Canada and the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund. SEED aims to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth for poor and disadvantaged groups in the Jordan Valley and Ajloun regions in Jordan through the uptake of low carbon renewable energy technologies.

Contact: mramadan@cowater-jo.com

Website: https://www.cowater.com/en/home/
