Despite their diverse and unique nature and easy living, Moroccan cities are vulnerable to climate change’s impact. They suffer the full brunt of its negative repercussions on water resources, agriculture, fishing, coastal alterations, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

These critical environmental challenges confronting Morocco represent a major burden and put significant pressure on the cities.

Clima-Med’s sixth short film, “A Glimpse of Hope,” spotlights inspiring changemakers already leading the way. With their ambitious commitments to the Covenant of Mayors for the Mediterranean, CoM Med, and the Clima-Med project’s support, they acknowledge the need to build resilience and translate their visions into action. They are all striking examples of how to provide concrete solutions that can benefit their communities’ environment and well-being.

Local leaders are crucial partners in responding to this urgent need for action; their efforts are therefore essential to addressing the causes of climate change, reflecting on solutions to reduce emissions faster, and promoting responsible alternatives to achieving global climate goals.

This film is part of a series of short features prepared for the seven partner countries of the EU-funded Clima-Med project in the south Mediterranean region.

Watch the film here:
