On 9 May, MeetMED launched the second edition of MeetMED Week 2023 in Marrakesh, Morocco, under the theme “Together Towards Efficient Buildings & Appliances in the Mediterranean”! The three-day hybrid event aimed to contribute to the creation of more stable, efficient, competitive, and climate-resilient socio-economic contexts in the beneficiary countries and also to constitute a real opportunity for economic development, in addition to underlining Morocco’s strengths and potential to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of public and private ecosystems.
During this event, representatives from the European Commission, UfM, ADEME, APRUE الوكالة الوطنية لتطوير استخدام الطاقة و ترشيده, AMEE, NERC, ADENE, Royal Scientific Society الجمعيّة العلميّة الملكيّة, and the Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l’Energie ANME among others to exchange experiences and discuss the next steps for the decarbonisation of the region.
Clima-Med – Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean was represented by Naguib Amin, Team Leader, who participated as a speaker in one of the High-Level sessions on the first day of the event during the session about the “Role of local authorities in fostering Energy Efficiency”, where he exposed insights from the project experience on how to bring more local authorities to implement EE measures.
He also attended the Advisory Board meeting on the second day with other experts who gathered to specifically discuss how to concretely implement and enforce EE and RE policies & strategies at a regional level (with a focus on the Buildings and Appliances sectors).
The high-level event was organised in cooperation with Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), MEDENER, and Agence Marocaine pour l’Efficacité Énergétique (AMEE).
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